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The barnum effect: unveiling the psychology behind personalized horoscopes and personality assessments
Jan 10

The barnum effect: unveiling the psychology behind personalized horoscopes and personality assessments

The Barnum Effect, also known as the Forer Effect, is a fascinating psychological phenomenon that highlights our tendency to accept vague and general statements as highly personalized and accurate descriptions of ourselves. Named after the famous American showman P.T. Barnum, this effect provides valuable insights into the way our minds work, impacting areas as diverse as horoscopes, personality assessments, and even newsletter strategies.
Is your newsletter a business or hobby?
Jan 10

Is your newsletter a business or hobby?

Determining if your newsletter, podcast or blog is a business or a hobby is important for tax purposes and legal obligations. The classification depends on several factors, and the lines can sometimes be blurry. Here are some key criteria to help you determine whether your activity is a business or a hobby.
My 4.5-hour/month podcast workflow: streamlining production for maximum efficiency
Aug 2

My 4.5-hour/month podcast workflow: streamlining production for maximum efficiency

Many aspiring podcasters are deterred by the misconception that podcasting requires a full-fledged team and an overwhelming amount of time. However, after years of trial and error, I have discovered a streamlined approach that allows me to produce my podcast with just 4.5 hours of my time each month. In this article, I will unveil my "Podcast Efficiency Wheel" and share the five easy steps I follow to optimize podcast production.
Newsletters are stupid businesses
Jul 12

Newsletters are stupid businesses

Discover the good, the bad, and the ugly of starting a newsletter business. Learn about the challenges of running a newsletter business, including time management, uncertain income, competition, and more. But also explore the creative outlet, potential for monetization, and independence it offers. Get practical tips for success and find out how to make your newsletter business thrive.
Top 10 best practices for email deliverability: Ensuring your newsletter emails land in the inbox
May 1

Top 10 best practices for email deliverability: Ensuring your newsletter emails land in the inbox

Ensuring that your emails land in the inbox rather than in the spam folder is crucial for the success of your newsletter business. Here are some best practices to help improve email deliverability and increase the chances of your emails reaching the inbox.
Climbing to 1 million subscribers: The ultimate framework for growing your newsletter business with email deliverability best practices
Apr 23

Climbing to 1 million subscribers: The ultimate framework for growing your newsletter business with email deliverability best practices

As a business owner, you may dream of having a massive subscriber base of 1 million loyal newsletter subscribers or followers. But achieving that goal requires a strategic approach and a well-designed framework. Today, I'll outline the ultimate framework to help you build, scale and manage your newsletter business to 1 million subscribers, while also incorporating SEO best practices to improve your website's search engine rankings.